We are proudly expanding our staff and are currently hiring for a new Veterinarian.
Please plan on providing us with a hard copy or email of your pet’s current rabies certificate if it was NOT done at La Cumbre Animal Hospital.
NOTE: If the country you are traveling to requires USDA endorsement, you will need the original rabies certificate(s) signed in blue ink for USDA endorsement.
The first rabies vaccination your pet gets after its microchip or after any lapse in coverage is a “primary” rabies vaccination according to EU rules.
For all pets vaccinated in the United States, a “primary” rabies vaccination is only valid for 1 year. Even if your pet is an adult animal and receives a three-year vaccine, if it is a “primary” rabies vaccination according to EU rules, it is only valid for 1 year.
If your pet does not receive another rabies vaccination within 1 year of a “primary” rabies vaccination, it means the vaccination coverage lapsed and you must start over. Even if the vaccination coverage only lapses by a day, the next rabies vaccination is again considered a “primary” rabies vaccination, and it is only valid for 1 year.
In order to simplify your paperwork USDA recommends the following:
Ask your veterinarian to give your pet a 1-year rabies vaccination (after scanning the microchip) at least 21 days before your travel to the EU but less than one year before your travel date (for example, 3-6 months before travel date). That way, no matter the rabies vaccination history, you only have to keep up with one vaccination certificate instead of several! Doing it this way also makes it easier for the USDA endorsement office to review, which means you get your endorsed certificate back faster.
Courtesy of USDA