Please ensure that all fields of the below form are filled out completely.
Thank you!

If you have not already, please review, print, and sign this form before continuing.
Local contact information for person traveling with or shipping pet
Is this the same address at which the pet currently resides?

Is the pet microchipped?
Do you have a copy of your pet's current rabies certificates with vaccination expiration date?

Please plan on providing us with a hard copy or email of your pet’s current rabies certificate if it was NOT done at La Cumbre Animal Hospital. 

NOTE: If the country you are traveling to requires USDA endorsement, you will need the original rabies certificate(s) signed in blue ink for USDA endorsement.

Purpose of travel?
Is it a one-way trip?
Is your pet traveling with you, alone, or with someone else?
Will you be traveling through/stopping in multiple states?
Have you checked with your destination state’s “State Veterinary Office” for state entry requirements?
For information on requirements for moving your pet from your current location to another US State, visit the USDA website at
Mode of travel
Have you contacted the airline or carrier (boat, train, etc.) to see if they have required supplemental forms that La Cumbre Animal Hospital will need to complete prior to travel?
Have you reviewed the carrier's pet travel policies?
Are you aware of any medical or behavioral issues regarding your pet that we should be aware of?
Do you anticipate that your pet will need some type of travel-anxiety medicine prescribed?
Do you anticipate that your pet will be traveling as an emotional support pet?

Did LCAH perform your pet’s RABIES vaccine?
If LCAH did not perform the rabies vaccine, please plan to email or bring in a hard copy of the rabies certificate.
Did LCAH insert your pet’s microchip?
If LCAH did not insert your pet’s microchip, please plan to email or bring a copy of the dated record of insertion.
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